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Lakeview Community Partnership Announces Historic Alger Theater Marquee Restoration Project

Ginger Casto at 541-944-8176 -

Sun Aug 01 2021 07:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Lakeview Community Partnership Announces Historic Alger Theater Marquee Restoration Project

Lakeview Community Partnership, owner of the Historic Alger Theater in Lakeview, Oregon announced today the first project in the renovation of the iconic Alger sign and marquee.

The sign and marquee will be removed next week on Tuesday, August 3rd by Alpha Architectural Signs from Sacramento, CA. The Alger sign will travel to Alpha’s sign shop in Sacramento to be refurbished. Bogatay Construction of Klamath Falls will fully renovate the Alger Theater Façade while the sign is being restored. Expected installation will be sometime in the next six months. The restored sign will return to be installed sometime within the next 6 months after Bogatay Construction of Klamath Falls renovates the building façade.

The Art Deco style theater was built in 1940 by Merle Alger, local businessman. J.W. DeYoung, noted Art Deco designer, in that time period, also designed the Heathman Hotel and Paramont Theater in Portland.
Lakeview Community Partnership is affiliated with the Oregon Main Street Program and has owned the theater since 2018. The theater provides movies, concerts, theatrical events and other cultural activities.
The Alger Theater represents the organizations strong mission of “facilitating economic revitalization and preservation of their historic downtown for future generations:”

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